October Surprise 2016

@shashj: RT by @mikenov: So now: – UK – France – Denmark – Finland – Lithuania – Sweden – Czechia Have all said or implied their weapons can be used in strikes on Russian soil. Have I missed anyone?

So now:
– UK
– France
– Denmark
– Finland
– Lithuania
– Sweden
– Czechia
Have all said or implied their weapons can be used in strikes on Russian soil. Have I missed anyone?

— Shashank Joshi (@shashj) May 28, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@FT: RT by @mikenov: Former spy chief to become Dutch prime minister

Former spy chief to become Dutch prime minister

— Financial Times (@FT) May 28, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: В настоящее время 143 из 193 стран-членов ООН признают Палестину в качестве независимого государства. Однако ключевые державы Запада – в частности, постоянные члены Совбеза ООН Великобритания, США и Франция – по-прежнему выступают против. Между тем 10 мая Генассамблея ООН приняла…

В настоящее время 143 из 193 стран-членов ООН признают Палестину в качестве независимого государства. Однако ключевые державы Запада – в частности, постоянные члены Совбеза ООН Великобритания, США и Франция – по-прежнему выступают против. Между тем 10 мая Генассамблея ООН приняла…

— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 28, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@Osint613: RT by @mikenov: Nikki Haley to Israeli news paper Israel Hayom: “Russia provided Hxmas with intelligence about the IDF before October 7th.”

Nikki Haley to Israeli news paper Israel Hayom:

“Russia provided Hxmas with intelligence about the IDF before October 7th.”

— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 28, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: New report filed by the Guardian, +972 Magazine and Local Call reveals a pattern of spying, hacking, and intimidation tactics employed by Israel’s intelligence agencies to undermine the ICC’s investigation into alleged war crimes in Gaza / @RachelSFink…

New report filed by the Guardian, +972 Magazine and Local Call reveals a pattern of spying, hacking, and intimidation tactics employed by Israel’s intelligence agencies to undermine the ICC’s investigation into alleged war crimes in Gaza / @RachelSFink

— (@haaretzcom) May 28, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@shashj: RT by @mikenov: So now: – UK – France – Denmark – Finland – Lithuania – Sweden – Czechia Have all said or implied their weapons can be used in strikes on Russian soil. Have I missed anyone?

So now:
– UK
– France
– Denmark
– Finland
– Lithuania
– Sweden
– Czechia
Have all said or implied their weapons can be used in strikes on Russian soil. Have I missed anyone?

— Shashank Joshi (@shashj) May 28, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@FT: RT by @mikenov: Former spy chief to become Dutch prime minister

Former spy chief to become Dutch prime minister

— Financial Times (@FT) May 28, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: В настоящее время 143 из 193 стран-членов ООН признают Палестину в качестве независимого государства. Однако ключевые державы Запада – в частности, постоянные члены Совбеза ООН Великобритания, США и Франция – по-прежнему выступают против. Между тем 10 мая Генассамблея ООН приняла…

В настоящее время 143 из 193 стран-членов ООН признают Палестину в качестве независимого государства. Однако ключевые державы Запада – в частности, постоянные члены Совбеза ООН Великобритания, США и Франция – по-прежнему выступают против. Между тем 10 мая Генассамблея ООН приняла…

— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 28, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@Osint613: RT by @mikenov: Nikki Haley to Israeli news paper Israel Hayom: “Russia provided Hxmas with intelligence about the IDF before October 7th.”

Nikki Haley to Israeli news paper Israel Hayom:

“Russia provided Hxmas with intelligence about the IDF before October 7th.”

— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 28, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: New report filed by the Guardian, +972 Magazine and Local Call reveals a pattern of spying, hacking, and intimidation tactics employed by Israel’s intelligence agencies to undermine the ICC’s investigation into alleged war crimes in Gaza / @RachelSFink…

New report filed by the Guardian, +972 Magazine and Local Call reveals a pattern of spying, hacking, and intimidation tactics employed by Israel’s intelligence agencies to undermine the ICC’s investigation into alleged war crimes in Gaza / @RachelSFink

— (@haaretzcom) May 28, 2024