October Surprise 2016

Did the FBI’s Charles McGonigal Help Throw the 2016 Election to Trump …

After assuming his new job in October 2016, just a month before the election, he would have been in a position to undermine the bureau’s investigation into Deripaska and Manafort and to…
October Surprise 2016

House Judiciary Committee threatens to subpoena FBI over Charles McGonigal documents – Yahoo Canada Shine On

House Judiciary Committee threatens to subpoena FBI over Charles McGonigal documents  Yahoo Canada Shine On
October Surprise 2016

@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan told the UN Security Council that freeing the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza should be at the top of their agendas.…

Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan told the UN Security Council that freeing the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza should be at the top of their agendas.

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 17, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@RpsAgainstTrump: RT by @mikenov: Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, on his former boss: “The depth of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. …He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”

Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, on his former boss: “The depth of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. …He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”

— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) May 16, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan told the UN Security Council that freeing the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza should be at the top of their agendas.…

Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan told the UN Security Council that freeing the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza should be at the top of their agendas.

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 17, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@RpsAgainstTrump: RT by @mikenov: Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, on his former boss: “The depth of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. …He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”

Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, on his former boss: “The depth of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. …He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”

— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) May 16, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan told the UN Security Council that freeing the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza should be at the top of their agendas.…

Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan told the UN Security Council that freeing the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza should be at the top of their agendas.

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 17, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@RpsAgainstTrump: RT by @mikenov: Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, on his former boss: “The depth of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. …He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”

Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, on his former boss: “The depth of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. …He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”

— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) May 16, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@IlyaYashin: RT by @mikenov: По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про…

По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина.

Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про…

— Илья Яшин (@IlyaYashin) May 16, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@IlyaYashin: RT by @mikenov: По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про…

По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина.

Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про…

— Илья Яшин (@IlyaYashin) May 16, 2024