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October Surprise 2016

October 7 Attack is marked by the two features which point to its origins. It started as the Anti-Gay Pogrom of the SuperNova Festival, and it was a lesson in the use of the Cover. These features point to the GRU and the Wagner Group. And Netanyahu is directly responsible.

My #Opinion:
#Netanyahu is directly responsible for the October 7 attack. Blinded by his seemingly cozy relationship with #Putin and his wishful thinking, Netanyahu missed preparations for the attack by the #GRU and #Wagner Group, which used #Hamas as the COVER.
His security services contracted this blindness from him.
My theory of the motivation for this attack is that the GRU was enraged by the use of the Russia as the COVER in the Operation Trump of 2016 and by the downing of the
#AlexandrovEnsemble plane (sent to celebrate their “victory” in Syria), which they blamed on the Mossad.
These hypotheses deserve a careful investigation!
October 7 Attack is marked by the two features, among the others, which point to its origins:
1. Its condescending and deadly nature as the Anti-Gay pogrom, with musical Supernova theme: “These drugs-crazed faggots (Insult to the Israeli and Western Security Services) do not appreciate the good (iconic Russian folk) music – a hint to and the revenge for the downing of the Alexandrov Ensemble plane in December of 2016, and
2. Its masterful use of the COVER in the major political – military operation, in this particular case the use of the Hamas as the cover for the Wagner Group, who trained them, and the GRU, the Russian Military Intelligence: “That’s how you use a cover!” This is the hint and the revenge for use of “Russia, Russia, Russia” cover for the Mossad’s (under Yossi Cohen) Operation Trump 2016.
All in all, it looks like the complex, meticulously planned and designed Revenge Operation by the GRU on Putin’s behalf or by Putin’s private or personal Intelligence – Special Operations Service.