News Review

kaminhh: The craziest thing Trump could do right now is to actually fix the economy and actually make America great and just do a 180 from his usual stuff. Like imagine if this was all an act and now he’s gunna like actually be a good person and like remove all college and healthcare debt

The craziest thing Trump could do right now is to actually fix the economy and actually make America great and just do a 180 from his usual stuff. Like imagine if this was all an act and now he’s gunna like actually be a good person and like remove all college and healthcare debt

The post kaminhh: The craziest thing Trump could do right now is to actually fix the economy and actually make America great and just do a 180 from his usual stuff. Like imagine if this was all an act and now he’s gunna like actually be a good person and like remove all college and healthcare debt first appeared on FBI Reform –