October Surprise 2016

Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E186: First Post-Conviction Polls Spell Disaster For Trump

This is a Bonus Bite-Sized Bulletin edition of Countdown. It’s a new briefer format — eight minutes — that will appear in addition to regular episodes — and because of that I’m going to ask you to do me a favor and FORWARD it to somebody who is unaware of it, or unfamiliar with the Podcast. Thanks. — Keith

Episode 186 has been uploaded.

Preview is a short.

There are early signs of a potential tidal wave of disastrous polling indicators for Convicted Felon Donald Trump after he was found guilty of all 34 felony charges Thursday here in New York; 10% of registered GOP voters say they are now less likely to vote for him. More startlingly; 8% of those identifying as Trump supporters and 15% of registered GOP voters say he should drop out of the presidential race.

These are from separate polls, by Ipsos for Reuters, and by Morning Consult.

Remember — based on Trump’s 2020 vote totals — each percentage point of voters who peel away from him, would cost Trump roughly 750,000 votes and two to three electoral college votes.

Just as importantly, the Biden Campaign seems to have switched strategies and is itself referring to Trump as “Convicted Felon Donald Trump.”

Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck.