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October Surprise 2016

Trump and Netanyahu: The Mystery Of The Political Relationship … My #Opinion: #Trump, with his “YES-MEN” #Administration is the #Netanyahu’s #puppet, installed and controlled by #Mossad via #JaredKushner. “FBI and Mossad got him elected!” FBI is the tool of Mossad. They are penetrated to the hilt.


My #Opinion #Trump, with his “YES-MEN” #Administration is the #Netanyahu‘s #puppet, installed and controlled by #Mossad via #JaredKushner.

My #Opinion: “#Trump#Russia” is the elaborate, skillfully constructed #COVER for the #Mossad Connection,… which is much more evident, logical, and in the full view, with its massive circumstantial evidence. Trump WAS #INSTALLED by Mossad in 2016 and 2024 …
Mossad influenced the Election 2024 – Google Search

#FBI FBI: #Investigate THIS, #Bongino – Bongino! #TrumpRussia story is the cover for #Mossad‘s job – GS

– The Trump Campaign’s Collusion With Israel The Nation › Article Mar 23, 2023 — While US media fixated on Russian interference in the 2016 election, an Israeli secret agent’s campaign to influence the outcome went ……-

My #Opinion: #Trump, with his YES-MEN #Administration is the #Netanyahu s #puppet, controlled by #Mossad via their agent #JaredKushner. – Google Search

#Beware #America: #MOSSAD is watching you: Your #social and #sexual lives, your #words and your #thoughts. It infiltrated all aspects of collective #mentality and #behavior (GS) in the US, for the benefits of their political and operational purposes, with the Netanyahu’s wholehearted blessing and Yossi Cohen’s pioneering achievements.… – And behind the Mossad is the ominous shadow of the pseudo-religion: conservative Orthodox Judaism, created by the half-Jewish Nazi Abwehr, and now the by half-Jewish New Abwehr. They think that they know how to live the “correct way”, and they want you to follow their moral prescriptions. Investigate these liars, criminals, and money launderers! – The penetration tactics of the CIA and the Israeli Mossad … Modern Diplomacy › 2022/08/04 › the-penetra… Aug 4, 2022 — We aim to expose all ideas, thinkers, and arguments to the light and see what remains valid and sound.

My #Opinion: Trump is Israeli, not Russian puppet. His Foreign Policy is prescribed by Jerusalem. Jared Kushner, better masked and protected, continues to pull the strings, tuned by the #Mossad. Behind the Mossad is the invisible New Abwehr, their Boss and the creator – Demiurge. The rest is the show, cover, and the decoration. Do the Research!

“FBI and Mossad got him elected!”
FBI is the tool of Mossad.
They are penetrated to the hilt.

#Trump pleads guilty and blames the #FBI for his sins! “Look at what they’ve done in terms of weaponization. Look at what they’ve done to a political opponent. Probably got me elected by what they did,” Trump said of the agency that he called “very corrupt.” “I think I was doing well anyway, but they might’ve got me elected. But you know what? We have to have pristine, beautiful, perfect law enforcement.”