I can never have to relive the thuggery and nonsense that pf made us pass through.
The pompous carders , the insults the debt ,the threats awe uyu teh trump talebwelelapo.
That one nigga said his wife’s perfume was more expensive than our lives.
My vote was enough in 2016.
— OdysseanWill (@OdysseanW) November 7, 2024
The post OdysseanW: I can never have to relive the thuggery and nonsense that pf made us pass through.
The pompous carders , the insults the debt ,the threats awe uyu teh trump talebwelelapo.
That one nigga said his wife’s perfume was more expensive than our lives.
My vote was enough in 2016. first appeared on FBI Reform – fbireform.com.