October Surprise 2016

Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E198: Push To Remove Cannon; RFK Jr Threatens To Jail Tapper

Episode 198 has been uploaded.


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  • THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: What if a Tucker Carlson fell over in Australia and nobody was there to hear it? His speaking tour? Plenty of good seats available. Jeff Bezos still won’t do the obvious: Will Lewis has to be fired before he crashes The Washington Post. And Dylan Byers trots out words like “hero” and “great” for my late friend Howard Fineman. 14 months ago he gratuitously and painfully insulted him in a story that had nothing to do with Howard just because he felt like taking a shot at somebody. Byers, a management-jock-sniffing jackass, might meet the same fate 30 years from now — except nobody will remember his work.


  • FRIDAYS WITH THURBER: One of the existential premises of his work was: everything in the world could be reduced to a husband and wife arguing over the dumbest of things. This week he has her insisting that he is murdering her wrong in “Mr. Preble Gets Rid Of His Wife”

Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck.