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October Surprise 2016

@mikenov: Netanyahu, Gantz, Gallant – Google Search

Netanyahu, Gantz, Gallant – Google Search

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) March 6, 2024

October Surprise 2016

How American Intelligence Was Born in the Trenches of World War I


In 1920, a perceptive British correspondent titled a book he’d just written about the conflict that had so recently laid waste to much of Europe, The First World War. And indeed, there was plenty of evidence that the stones had been laid for yet another global conflagration. Germany, carved up by the victorious allies in the Treaty of Versailles, was descending into political and economic chaos under the humiliating defeat and impending weight of war reparations. In Italy, Benito Mussolini’s fascists were terrorizing towns and beating up labor leaders. In Russia, the Bolsheviks were mopping up Western-supported forces in its civil war, even as Ukraine declared its independence. In Paris, meanwhile, the League of Nations gathered for its inaugural session—without the participation of the U.S., the world’s foremost industrial nation, thereby virtually dooming it to irrelevance.

Americans, repulsed by the meaningless horrors of trench warfare, wanted to rid themselves of Europe’s endless internecine barbarism. Barrelling into the 1930s, the so-called “waves of the future”—Soviet Communism, Italian Fascism and German National Socialism—seemed only a prelude to something worse on the continent. In Japan,  the wreckage of Europe’s colonial powers gave the emperor’s militarists the confidence that they had a free hand in the Far East, starting with China.

This sweep of history is addressed superbly by historian Mark Stout in World War I and the Foundation of American Intelligence. He offers not only a profound work of scholarship that illuminates the origins of today’s U.S. intelligence community, but he puts this  larger canvas to good use to reveal much that’s generally unknown about America’s rise to global primacy. 

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October Surprise 2016

@mikenov: RT @haaretzcom: Gantz and Gallant have both realized that the only way of getting anything done is to act as if Netanyahu has no power over…

Gantz and Gallant have both realized that the only way of getting anything done is to act as if Netanyahu has no power over them. And it turns out that he hasn’t / @AnshelPfeffer

— (@haaretzcom) March 6, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@mikenov: RT @Robert4787: Over a decade ago, the CIA helped Ukraine set up 12 ‘spy bases’- now, they’re providing crucial intel amidst Russia’s ongoi…

Over a decade ago, the CIA helped Ukraine set up 12 ‘spy bases’- now, they’re providing crucial intel amidst Russia’s ongoing offensive. A testament to the power of collaboration. #CIA #Ukraine #spybases #usa

— Robert Morton (@Robert4787) March 5, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@mikenov: RT @SpiesVespers: TOO OBSCURE TO MATTER Ernst Leitz, head of Leica cameras, smuggled hundreds of his Jewish employees out of Germany during…

Ernst Leitz, head of Leica cameras, smuggled hundreds of his Jewish employees out of Germany during WWII. Each was issued a Leica camera that could be easily sold if things went bad. Many ended up in NYC at the Fifth Ave Leica showroom

— SPIES&VESPERS (@SpiesVespers) March 6, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@mikenov: RT @khodorkovsky_en: Macron hits the nail on the head. Putin, the instigator of baseless war and chronic offender against international law…

Macron hits the nail on the head. Putin, the instigator of baseless war and chronic offender against international law, thrives on chaos and division. His defeat in Ukraine is non-negotiable. Recognizing him as Russia’s legitimate leader post-sham elections should be out of the…

— Mikhail Khodorkovsky (@khodorkovsky_en) March 5, 2024

News Review

Ex-Google engineer charged with stealing AI trade secrets while working with Chinese companies

October Surprise 2016

@mikenov: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Palestinian sources claimed that Hamas leader Sinwar decided to launch October 7 attack alone, angering Hamas leaders -…

Palestinian sources claimed that Hamas leader Sinwar decided to launch October 7 attack alone, angering Hamas leaders – report.

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) March 6, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@mikenov: RT @FT: OpenAI releases Elon Musk emails to show he backed for-profit plans

OpenAI releases Elon Musk emails to show he backed for-profit plans

— Financial Times (@FT) March 6, 2024

October Surprise 2016

@mikenov: RT @haaretzcom: After accusations of anti-Israel bias, the BBC has decided to join as a co-producer of the documentary film “We Will Dance…

After accusations of anti-Israel bias, the BBC has decided to join as a co-producer of the documentary film “We Will Dance Again,” which will recount the events of the Nova Festival massacre / @niritand

— (@haaretzcom) March 6, 2024