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News Review

Another Unfortunate Photo Of Anthony Weiner

Now there’s an upsetting photo of Anthony Weiner in which he IS wearing clothes. #LSSC #Colbert #MonologueSubscribe To “The Late Show” Channel HERE: http://b…

News Review

Former FBI Agent Explains How to Read Body Language | Tradecraft

Former FBI agent and body language expert Joe Navarro breaks down the various ways we communicate non-verbally. What does it mean when we fold our arms? Why …

News Review

Audit suggests Google favors a small number of major outlets

News Review

FBI Sent Investigator To Meet With Trump Campaign Aide In 2016, NYT Reports | MTP Daily

Chuck Rosenberg joins MTP Daily to comment on the NYT’s story that the FBI sent an investigator posing as an assistant to meet with a Trump campaign aide bef…